Friday, September 19, 2008


This Blog was created to fill a void felt by many that restricted free expression of views and interaction amongst food professional without any formal format. Most of the topics covered here are targeted at readers who may be technically knowledgeable or general public who are interested in many aspects of food. The language used is neither too technical nor pedestrian but designed to convey what this blogger feels about various subjects coming in the realm of food production, conservation, processing, distribution, marketing, nutrition, health, government policies and all aspects concerning food in India as well as in the international arena. Though at times the language may appear harsh which reflects the intense feelings of the blogger, it is never intended to deliberately hurt or insinuate any one.

One of the pre-requisites for successful blogging is wide readership but more than that the response by the readers through comments enriches the value several fold. In food area there are very limited forums for free and frank discussions and human beings, with creative thinking and an active brain cannot sit idle even if the 60 year age mark might label them as retired! Publishing in a Blog is a two way process leading to multiple dialogs. The result is creation of maximum awareness and spread of education amongst those eager to understand the frontiers of development.

In the light of the above, it is hoped that all readers will post their comments and without reservation these comments will be published, the only precondition being that the language must be as civil as possible. Readers are also welcome to send their stand alone publications in brief and if relevant will be published in their name. Youngsters are encouraged to send their views which will be moderated to reflect the real intention of the senders and thereby get exposed to good writing experience.

Geriatricians feel that old age should not be allowed to overwhelm people and engaging in activities that stimulate brain cells is best way to keep boredom and diseases away. This is not a project for self aggrandisement or personal glorification, especially for a person in the evening of his life but a genuine attempt in sharing decades of experience, both good as well as bad. Let the food fraternity come together to advance the cause of food science, technology and nutrition and benefit the Society.


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