Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monthly Bleg

A Bleg is when a blog begs for stuff like ideas, contributions etc. The last few weeks there has been a flurry of interest in this blog. We ask you to contribute original material related to food technology that will be posted with attribution to the writer. If the material is of high quality and prolific enough, you can even become a coblogger! Dr. Potty will vet the contributions for the high standards of this blog. We want to expose the readership of this blog to a wide variety of ideas, philosophies and provoke thought. So, dear readers, send it in and mail it to

Please remember if you want your comments to appear in the comments section of a particular post, you have to click on comments at the bottom of that post. This bleg is to generate entirely new posts under your authorship. So, send it in folks


1 comment:

Lakshmi Bharadwaj said...

You've got a very interesting blog, sir. Well, since you are now a part of Mysoreblogpark, let me be the first one to welcome you to our blogging community! :-) Happy blogging!